Monday, April 6, 2015

I like my iPad

I do have a Ipad at home.  I charge it by the cord and it's black. I play games on iPad. I play bowling games on iPad. I swipe the finger to roll the ball towards the pins. Sometimes I play mine craft on the iPad. Youtube is an app that I use a lot too. I watch train video on iPad. I watch the elevator video on youtube.  I like to look at  foods  on the iPad.  I look at maps on the iPad.

 click here to learn more about the iPad

Friday, February 27, 2015

Samsung's TV voice activated system

Samsung's smart TV says not to talk about private information around the TV. The reason the TV gives you that warning is because it has a voice activated system. There is an up side though to the voice activated system because it can recommend movies or say that you go to a certain channel. There is a microphone on the TV and on the remote so that your commands will be heard perfectly. If you do speak about private information around the TV that the information will be stored among the data and a third party will come in. You can easily disable the voice activated system.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Drones Capture Shots of a Lava Lake

    The story that I chose to do for our blog was about some drones that took some pictures of a lava lake. But getting this footage wasn't as easy as you might think. Sometimes, the lava corroded the technology inside of the drones while they were taking pictures. Cossman, the man behind this activity, said that the drones could have literally melted if they got close to the lava lake. So, Cossman suited up in a heat-resistant outfit, and assisted the drones in taking pictures.
       I chose to do this story because the pictures of the lava lake were pretty cool, and I think that it was amazing how they built drones to take pictures of the lava.
    If you want to learn more about this article, visit the yahoo tech website!

Beach Bot

Disney has made many inventions from theme parks to robots. One of there newest inventions was the Beach Bot.The Beach Bot is a beach robot that makes Disney drawings in the sand. The Beach Bot is 2 feet long and 15 inches wide and tall. It can fill a 30 square foot area of sand and have a Disney animation in it in just under 10 minutes. There are brush strokes towards the back on the bottom that is 2 to 15 inches wide that create the picture. Bulbous Ballon wheels make it possible for the Beach  Bot to traverse all types of sand that would leave not a mark or path of sand that would mark the sand.  The Beach Bot is just an amazing thing to see on the beach in all of the Disney Vacation spots in the world. You can see all of the characters in your favorite movies and just Disney designs.

For more information visit the CCN website

The BeachBot

Disney has made a lot of cool inventions and now the mouse has made the BeachBot. The BeachBot is able to bring robots out of the theme parks and theaters and come out the the shores and sandboxes. As just under two feet long and 15 inches wide and tall, the BeachBot can make images from Finding Nemo and The Lion King. It only takes the BeachBot 10 minutes to make these images in the sand. The bot does have some limitations but not a lot. One of them is it you must have reflective posts in the sands by the humans so it knows where to draw the images in the sand. For fans who like Frozen characters instead of Finding Nemo, there is a new addition coming out with making new characters from different movies to draw in the sand by the BeachBot.

For more information go to

MacBook Air Falls 1,000ft From Plane And Still Works

This was an interesting story about how a MacBook Air fell out of a plane at about 1,000 ft, and still works! The canopy on the plane was flying popped open during a trip to South Africa. The pilot's bag flew out of the plane, it had his computer and some pieces of ID in it. A farm worker found the bag and tracked down the owner. Surprisingly there was little damage to the MacBook Air. It just has a shattered trackpad, some bent corners, and a broken cooling fan. The owner of the MacBook Air was impressed by the farmer's effort to return the computer and bag to him. As a result, he gave the farmer a reward to say thanks.


Are you being spied on?

Do you ever feel like someone is watching you in your own house? If you have a Samsung Smart TV, then that may be a possibility. Smart TV’s can actually listen to what you’re saying! They have this cool new voice command feature that can record anything that you’re saying and play it to someone. There is a very small warning in the privacy policy telling you to be careful. People are starting to get worried because homes are supposed to be a place where you can say anything and feel comfortable about it. I have a Smart TV and I hope it didn't record anything I said because it's just creepy. Be careful about what you’re saying in front of your TV because you may night be the only one hearing it.

If you want to find out more click here!